What technology wants
What does technology want?
Yeah, I know that technology is not a person so it can't "want" something the way you want something. But a large system like technology can and does exhibit tendencies and urges overall, independent of individual human caretakers, and this is the meaning of "want" I have in mind. If you still have problems imagining how technology as a whole can want things, then I suggest you ignore this question and not post in this thread. For those who want to play, imagine that the Technium, the system of technological cutlure, has an agenda greater than the agenda of its parts, and that human preferences have little impact on its urges. If the Technium is a system with its own non-human agenda, what does it want? What are its inherent biases, trajectory, and desires? What does technology hope for?
Posted on July 13, 2004 at 11:01 PM