Map Label on Package


I thought this was pretty clever. I just received a package from FedEx. On its label was printed a map to my house. So instead of installing a GPS in every truck, FedEx prints out a map label. If the driver can't find the delivery place, they just look on the package itself. Brilliant!



Hi Kevin,
I am a prop stylist that has worked on alot of Wired shoots.
I am also a huge fan of your blog.
And now thanks to this post I see that you are a neighbor!
Now that is cool :)

Obvious idea but there is a snag. I have a hard to find address and often ask shippers to add instructions to shipping labels. But if package is in the back of the truck and all the driver has in the cab is a list of addresses in the order they are to deliver to, the map on the package in the back is not much use. AS long as there is a "look at map on package" instruction on drop list in cab it will work, but otherwise ... Not all couriers have thought through the entire driver/package interface! ;-)


When I worked at Fedex, each route did have a sheef of paper that listed any special delivery instructions for residential addresses.

This label printout is a great idea, though. Since we used thermal printers when I was there, I imagine it does not cost them any toner, either, so why not print it?

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