New Rules for the New Economy

The thesis of New Rules for the New Economy is that we are now living in an economy based on ideas and communication rather than energy and atoms. Further, this “new” economy has distinct laws or rules so it behaves differently than the previous industrial economy. To do well in the new regime, we need to grasp the new dynamics of information. I reduce the emerging principles to 10 guidelines, and suggest a few strategies for businesses based on each principle.
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Praise for New Rules for the New Economy
“I loved Kevin Kelly’s ‘New Rules’ article in Wired and prayed for a book-length version. here it is–and it’s a gem. Very short and very sweet, with provocation on every page. Chapter 10 by itself is worth the price of admission many times over.”
— Tom Peters
“In this short, trenchant book, Kelly explains how the networked economy is turning old economics upside down.”
— Time
“A shock to the system… Kelly’s elegant description of the new economy may one day rank it alongside The Organization Man as the book that defined an economic era.”
— The Wall Street Journal
Five Books
Seth Godin, 2019
USA Today
Kevin Maney, Nov. 23, 1999
USA Today
Sam Vincent Meddis, Nov. 16, 1998
R.U. Sirius, 1998
Wired Magazine
Michael Schrage, February 1999
Spike Magazine
Chris Mitchell
Buck’s Restaurant
May 2000
Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce
Walter A. Effross, 1998
Business Week
Michael J. Mandel, no. 3600 (Oct. 19 ’98) p. 22+
Other Editions
1998, Paperback
Viking, New York
ISBN-10: 014028060X
ISBN-13: 9780140280609
Available from Amazon
New Rules for the New Economy
1998, Hardcover
Viking, New York
ISBN-10: 0670881112
ISBN-13: 9780670881116
Available from Amazon
New Rules for the New Economy
Print Magazine
Wired, 1997, vol. 5, no. 9
Available from Wired
2003, HTML
Whole book in web format
2009, PDF
191 pages, 712 KB
2010, Blog
Two posts per week
2009, Kindle edition
Chinese (Mainland)
Guangzhou WYS
ISBN-10: 7806551158
Chinese (Mainland)
电子工业出版社, Beijing
ISBN-13: 9787121233180
Chinese (Taiwan)
Net & Ten
Locus, Taiwan
ISBN-10: 9578468873
Nieuwe Regels Voor De Nieuwc Economie
Uitgeverij Nieuwezijds, Amsterdam
ISBN-10: 9057120534
English (British)
New Rules for the New Economy
4th Estate, London
ISBN-10: 1857028716
Uue Majanduse Uued Reeglid
ISBN-10: 9985924304
NetEconomy: Zehn radikale Strategien fur die Wirtschaft der Zukunft
Econ Taschenbuch, Munich
ISBN-10: 3548700152
Nuove Regole per un Nuovo Mondo
Ponte Alle Grazie, Milan
ISBN-10: 8879284533
Diamond, Tokyo
ISBN-10: 4478330875
디지털 경제를 지배하는 10가지 법칙
Golden Bough Publishing (Minumsa), Seoul
ISBN-10: 8982732381
New Rules for the New Economy
(PDF, 315 pages, 1.6MB)
Nowe Reguty Nowej Gospodarki
WIG-Press, Warszawa
ISBN-10: 8387014591
Novas Regras para uma Nova Economia
Objetiva, Rio de Janeiro
ISBN 85-7302-229-9
Nuevas Reglas para la Nueva Economia
Granica, Mexico
ISBN-10: 9685015058
Den Nya Ekonomin
Timbro Publishers, Stockholm
ISBN-10: 9175664186
Kastaniotis Editions, Greece
Xrefinc, Russia
Multimedia Insititute, Croatia