Asia Grace

2002, Hardcover, 320 pages
Taschen, Koln
ISBN-10: 3822816191
ISBN-13: 978-3822816196
Out of print, but sometimes available fromĀ Amazon
Instead of going to college I went to Asia. For many years my main goal in life was to photograph the disappearing traditions of Asia. The best of these images were gathered into this book. It contains 400 or so photographs, but no words, and no white spaces. The book is 100% vibrancy. I designed it to swallow you, so that one felt immersed into the same world as I had spent so much of my 20s. Flipping through its pages feels like a journey. It covers most Asian countries between Turkey and Japan, and the book’s “trip” runs roughly the same course. Printed in Italy, it’s a labor of love, for that vast, rich continent. For more on the making of the book see my Production Notes.
Sample pages