101 Additional Advices
Type 2 Growth
Rights / Responsibilities
The Scarcity of the Long-Term
Hill-Making vs Hill-Climbing
Future Embarrassments
The Trust Flip
Things We Didn’t Know About Ourselves
The Boredom Device
Levels of Wealth
The Tradeoffs in AI
God, the Superposition
The Best Since Sliced Bread
Jobs of the Future
The Slow Frontier of Genetic Choice
How to Walk-and-Talk
Paying people to have children
The Missing Monuments of Silicon Valley
The Sphere, a new platform
Dreams are the Default for Intelligence
Cringeworthy in the Future
China’s Immigrant Energy, Underappreciated
12 Assumptions for Extraterrestrial Life
Overcoming Bias Against Bigness
The Need For a Body
Wishful Worries
Robots Will Make Us Better Humans
The Religions of Aliens
Future Scarcities
The Propriety Path Platform
Good Morning, New Robots!
More Wubble
Non-Assigned Names
Not Future-Proofing
The Maintenance of Wealth
Law of Universal Uniqueness
Three Levels of Eugenics
Aliens Are Here on Earth
Training AIs to Make Art
Art / Not Art
Art As an Excuse
Alloception: I Saw Someone In There
The Need for World Government
Construction is Life
What Everyone Knows
The Need for Long-term Research
Growth vs Evolution
How to Future
Reasons to Tour By Bicycle
Truth vs Trust
Sign me up for end of life composting. Seriously.https://t.co/EsXOG8xnZB— Kevin Kelly (@kevin2kelly) June 18, 2021
Sign me up for end of life composting. Seriously.https://t.co/EsXOG8xnZB
This article mentions only some of the reasons why we are headed for an economic boom in the coming decade. https://t.co/Xx4Lg7uFgY— Kevin Kelly (@kevin2kelly) June 18, 2021
This article mentions only some of the reasons why we are headed for an economic boom in the coming decade. https://t.co/Xx4Lg7uFgY
The Intended Consequences Statement by @Ryanphelan6 is a good example of the Proactionary Principle: the risk of new things have to be compared with the risks of old things, and inaction. https://t.co/mrpZ9mviHB— Kevin Kelly (@kevin2kelly) June 24, 2021
The Intended Consequences Statement by @Ryanphelan6 is a good example of the Proactionary Principle: the risk of new things have to be compared with the risks of old things, and inaction. https://t.co/mrpZ9mviHB
This long story about one driver answered a lot of questions I had about the real economics of gig driving. I love the depth of detail. https://t.co/HLyL5mftBK @glichfield— Kevin Kelly (@kevin2kelly) June 22, 2021
This long story about one driver answered a lot of questions I had about the real economics of gig driving. I love the depth of detail. https://t.co/HLyL5mftBK @glichfield
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