- Embrace AI’s weirdness for maximum benefit says the best teacher of AI to date, @emollick Embracing weirdness: What it means to use AI as a (writing) tool
- One way to improve the study of history and make it more useful, more reliable, is to make sure each history document includes all its raw data, as we might require every science paper. The full argument: Age of Invention: Does History have a Replication Crisis?
- Read this fantastic piece by @StevenLevy in @WIRED about the inside view of OpenAI. “Brockman says, “It’s nice to have something that could be a virtual assistant. But that’s not the dream. The dream is to help us solve problems we can’t.” What OpenAI Really Wants
- The next big fight (later this decade) will be around genetic selection, which is beginning to happen now. Here is an argument in favor of it. Embryo Selection: Healthy Babies vs Bad Arguments
- Sign of the future: An AI that moderates chat during multiplayer games like Call of Duty to monitor toxic language. Call of Duty enlists AI to eavesdrop on voice chat and help ban toxic players starting today
- In our zest to accelerate the rate of innovation, many new kinds of research institutions are emerging to try slight different approaches. This is a catalog of current creative research institutions. https://arbesman.net/overedge/
- Not the first, and not the last, to send art into orbit. It’s great they are launching contemporary art onto other planets. The ‘Lunar Codex’ Is Sending Works from More than 30,000 Artists to the Moon