Need some hospice wisdom
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End of life issues are getting more complicated, and closer to home as my Mom ages. I am not alone. Is there a source that can lay out options and their consequences, and is more than just common sense? Arranging finances; hospice care (how to?), options for assistance, wisdom on what to say, etc. Surely someone must have accumulated some good advice on this common need?
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In the US, hospice is part of the basic Medicare benefit. They have a fairly consumer-friendly publication available that discusses what hospice is, what's covered, who pays what, etc. For more real-life discussions about end-of-life care, I can't recommend enough the following two essays: (1) How Doctors Die from Zocalo Public Square, and (2) Letting Go from the New Yorker. |
Planning tips for chronic illness provides some practical considerations. |
Very informative site. |
I cannot recommend Hospice highly enough. We cared for my 91 year-old mother in our home for 15 months with Hospice care on and off. I hate reading non-fiction stuff and figuring out the "rules" so if you're like me, VISIT your local Hospice and ASK them questions. They are VERY knowledgeable and helpful. I also highly recommend the book Mouring Song by Joyce Landorf (Heatherley). The author shares from her heart her personal experience of losing her infant son, her mother and her grandmother in one year and incorporates Kubler-Ross' 5 Stages of Grief in a very readable and informative format. The book happens to be written by a Christian about Christians, but ANYONE can gain a lot of INSIGHT from the book. |
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