A Great Tool Kit to Keep in a Car
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I'm looking for suggestions for pre-packaged tool kits that would be suitable to keep in my car. I'm not necessarily looking for an automotive tool kit, but instead just a general tool kit that would be helpful for most situations that arise. Screwdriver sets, pliers, socket wrenches, etc.
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forgueam, forgive me for beating around the bush and not answering the question you really asked, but there are some things to think about when outfitting yourself like this-- things like where are you going to put this tool kit, and what do you expect from it and from the new improved forgueam with a tool kit? Knowing where you're going to put it isn't unimportant- storage options vary widely from one vehicle to another, and you need something that'll fit the space available and still be easily available to use. Knowing what to expect from yourself and your tool kit may keep you out of some trouble. If there are specific tasks you know how to do, and expect to have to do, you may want the specific tools for those tasks-- things like changing a battery, for instance, or tightening a loose connection of some sort. Those tasks will vary based on the type of vehicle you're dealing with and the combination of your competence and confidence in dealing with it. I still see the old Ford tool kits around that you could fix just about anything that was liable to go wrong on your Model T or A, right by the side of the road. You may be overlooking an opportunity here. Myself, I enjoy putting together a custom-made kit a lot more than letting someone do it for me, but finding good tools cheap at a pawnshop, used tool place, thrift store or flea market may not bring everyone the joy it brings me, and that's all right. Not everybody has my kind of time on their hands, either. Something else to think about is what you expect from yourself once you've got your tool kit in your car. I don't know how many tools I've bought for no other reason than for the idea of the new improved me I'd be with this new tool, which I might use someday under some obscure circumstance. Sometimes I've surprised myself and actually used it. When it gets right down to it, though, if I've got a good stout screwdriver to use for all the things you're not supposed to do with it, a multi-bit screwdriver that'll fit the kinds of screws on my vehicle, a good pocketknife, a pair of channellocks big enough to hammer on item #1 if I need to, a crescent wrench, some wire cutters, and those specific tools for the specific tasks I expect, from experience, to need, I'm happy. As long as I've got a telescoping magnet and a hemostat to get the things I drop into inaccessible places. So good luck, and maybe somebody will provide with an actual answer to the question you asked! |
Personally, I keep:
Place a winter emergency kit in each car that includes:
What to carry on winter trips: Keep a basic winter survival kit in your vehicle:
Load your car with winter travel gear:
See more winter preparedness tips at www.takewinterbystorm.org. See also: Some of the basic items include:
Pre-packaged kit? Never seen one for this purpose I have liked. To best answer your question, we would need to know your skill level, driving conditions, and, ideally, the kind of car you drive. There is not much the average owner can do on the side of the road to a car nowadays, so perhaps the most useful tools are a working cell phone (with good local coverage) and a roadside assistance membership. For basic tools that may come in handy... pop over to your local Harbour Freight and get...
This all assumes you already have other emergency stuff available, like a flashlight, safety triangle or similar, first aid kit, etc. and that your car has a good spare, jack, etc. - |
Here are my suggestions:
Things you can forget in my opinion:
I want to buy a cordless screwdriver as a gift for my dad's birthday, any suggestion for this? Is this ok? http://www.5stardealreviews.com/the-best-small-cordless-electric-screwdrivers-reviews-ratings/ |
I just bought a cloth tool bag and filled it with all the tools I thought I might need. Hammer, screwdrivers, wrenches, pliers, hacksaw, etc. The only unusual tool in that kit is a ryoba (Japanese pull saw) with a detachable blade. I also keep a long breaker bar, torque wrench and a deep socket that fits the wheel lugs. It makes changing a tire SOOOO much easier than the crappy lug wrench that comes with most cars, and you can properly torque the lugs afterwards. Other items I always carry in my car include a blanket (useful for keeping warm in winter or for a picnic, a fire extinguisher, a 6 D-cell Maglite (can use as a baton in a pinch), an electric air pump, a folding shovel, some rope, a few garbage bags, zip ties, a half roll of toilet paper and a couple "TravelJohns". It also wouldn't hurt to have a few lifeboat rations and some bottled water, especially if you live somewhere that's prone to natural disasters. |
A cool tool can be any book, gadget, software, video, map, hardware, material, or website that is tried and true. All reviews on this site are written by readers who have actually used the tool and others like it. Items can be either old or new as long as they are wonderful. We post things we like and ignore the rest. Suggestions for tools much better than what is recommended here are always wanted.
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