What is the substitute method of weight loss?
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i have heard about capsiplex though that it is very effective for weight loss but simultaneously I have also heard about the capsiplex scam. how can this substitute method of weight loss be effective?
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The trick is to get comfortable with being hungry. Most of us have a distorted perception of what hungry feels like and how urgently we need to do something about it. Try just sitting with the feeling of being hungry a couple of days per week and do your normal stuff the rest of the time (don't try to compensate). |
I completely agree with this advice. Most people, when they feel the mild discomfort of hunger, think they need to urgently do something about it, i.e. eat, preferably something high in calories, especially at night. Deliberately allowing yourself to go to bed a little hungry is a key skill. Do it for a couple of nights and by the 3rd night it won't be such a big deal. I also advocate, in this order: 1. The Hacker's Diet http://www.fourmilab.ch/hackdiet/ 2. The Mayo Diet http://www.amazon.com/Mayo-Clinic-Diet-Enjoy-Weight-ebook/dp/B0060BX8XE/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1398894191&sr=8-1&keywords=mayo+clinic+diet These two sound like entirely different plans, but they actually complement one another very nicely. A key for me, also, was to set eating goals each morning, track my behavior, and discover what were the critical habits I had to change, in order to lose weight. I found that my key was strictly controlling my eating around dinner. I had no problem with breakfast and lunch, but it's very easy for me to get very sloppy around dinner time, and pretty soon I'm eating pints of Haagen-Daasz. As soon as I implemented one rule -- be strict about dinner and go to bed a little hungry -- I started to lose weight as if by magic. Good luck! |
Here is a list: 1- don't eat anything in shiny packages, 2- Stay out of the aisles in the grocery market, 3- Eat on a salad plate, 4- No second helpings, 4- Run from buffets, 5- Eat three meals per day, 6- Never eat anything that coworkers bring to the workplace, 7- No pop, even calorie free, 8- Try to walk at least three times per week. 2500 steps is a start. 5000 is a good goal and you get a gold star for 10,000. 9- Weigh yourself on the same scale once per week. A pound of weight loss each week is sustainable. And 10- Don't get down on yourself. Persistence is the key. |
I have recently eliminated sugary foods and also grains (mostly, some corn, some rice) -- no bread. I think this is along the lines of Paleo. What is interesting to me is that I don't even get hungry because of sticking to protein and non-sweets. My downfall had been snacks in the evening. I had noticed that once I had one snack -- crackers and peanut butter, for example, I kept going back for seconds. I think this has been identified as a problem with carbohydrates. So there is something addictive about them. If I don't eat these things, I don't miss them (although the diet is a bit boring at first) . . . treats like babaganough and veggies, ginger tea, etc. can help. I have lost weight using this avoidance strategy and I do not find it as hard as other diets. |
I recommend you Xenical. It is used by certain overweight people, such as those who are obese or have weight-related medical problems. Taking orlistat can also help keep you from gaining back weight you have lost. Losing weight and keeping it off can lessen the many health risks that come with obesity, including heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and a shorter life. I have been using Xenical for 40 days now, lost 18 lbs with minimum exercise. I wish it was a bit cheaper, cause I paid $180 for 90 capsules, but the results are great, so I will continue taking it. I like that Xenical reduced my appetite, however I need to stay home most of the time because I have loose stool mostly everyday. People say to eat low fat diet, but if you eat lots of salads and vegetables, you still will be using washroom a lot. |
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