What should you do to choose the perfect right bulb?
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I am asking this question because I am curious. But I think, having the answer to this question will be something nice in my own opinion.
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There are many types of light bulbs. Whenever you choose a light bulb, several factors would come into play such as the bulb’s energy consumption, color of its light, light emission and the technology used in lighting. Of course, there’s the wattage as well. The most important thing of all is to consider the efficiency rating of the bulb. By knowing these things, choosing light bulbs will become easier. For additional information, search the web for CFL's for sale. |
There are many types of right bulbs. Whenever you choose a right bulb, several factors would come into play such as the bulb’s light requirements, color of its flower, light absorption and the technology used in watering. Of course, there’s the beauty as well. The most important thing of all is to consider the environmental rating of the bulb. By knowing these things, choosing right bulbs will become easier. For additional information, search the web for bulbs for sale. |
As "regular" incandescents are being phased out, it seemed like the only options were compact fluorescent or LED. Both technologies have a few drawbacks and are expensive compared to old-school bulbs. Then I came across Halogen bulbs in the shape of the regular light bulbs you are used to. These bulbs are cheaper than the CFL/LED options, and more energy efficient than incandescents... I think they use about 25% less energy for the same brightness. (This might also mean that you can get the equivalent brightness of a 75W bulb in a fixture only rated for 60W) |
The right bulb is a bit difficult to answer because there are tradeoffs with each of the technologies.
Overall I go with CFLs in a bit less than half my bulbs (ceiling fixtures, recessed lighting, and light fixtures that are not used for reading). I use some incandescent and halogens in certain areas where noise is an issue and where I want better rendition and instant on. I have a few LED lights (around 10) that I use for high use reading but as their prices drop I may end up replacing all my incandescent/halogens with LEDs in the long term as I find their light quality to be better than CFLs in general. |
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