• Why is commenting disabled in Recomendo?

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  • While giving tips like you do in Recomendo is nice, disabling comments makes it pretty much a one-way street. Like CT used to be, before commenting was allowed, it seems more like personal ads than an exchange of ideas.

    4 0
    Question by laral

Hi Laral, I went back and verified that comments were enabled for most recent Recomendo posts. If you still have an issue, please email me at cl@kk.org

Answer by claudia

We have comments on the blog, but Revue does not offer them. — KK

Answer by Kevin Kelly

Oh, so they are. Thank you.

Answer by laral

I see what the problem was. I get the Recomendo newsletter a week in advance, before it goes to CT, where comments are then enabled.

Answer by laral
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