
Air-Stirrup Ankle Brace

Sprained ankle repair

I was recently reminded of this cool tool for sprained ankles when my wife and I were hustling to locate an obscure theater before the doors shut. Not watching my foot path, I stepped on a misaligned concrete sidewalk and went to the ground after rolling my ankle. I couldn’t wait to get home to put my Aircast on. This product stabilizes your injured ankle well enough that you’d have to go hiking on poorly maintained trails to reinjure your ankle after a sprain. My last sprain was twelve years ago and the Aircast got me 95% healed within three weeks; without it, I’ve gone longer than three months. Truly amazing if you sprain your ankle.They can be ordered direct from the company, but even in my town of 16,000, there’s one pharmacy that carries them in stock. Around $40.00 and worth twice that, easily.

-- John Monguillot 04/28/04

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