Dead Tools

Whirlwind Cup

Coffee-Stirring Cup recommends this item in an email consisting of just four words: “One push to stir.”

Apparently Eric owns the web site that sells the Whirlwind Cup, but regardless of his vested interest in promoting the device, it surely deserves mention as a palliative treat for all those who suffer health problems such as repetitive strain injury induced by the onerous chore of stirring hot beverages.

More to the point, has a wonderfully quirky inventory of implausible yet available items, ranging from a “USB Thumb Ionizer” to a stretchable hula-hoop. Is this a sign that the Chinese are encroaching on the traditionally Japanese business of developing very small, fanatically ingenious, frivolous gadgets that no one really needs, yet are somehow irresistible? proudly proclaims, “We deliver joys to worldwide.” Sounds good to me!

They also sell a 51-LED flashlight, leading me to tomorrow’s recommendation.

-- Charles Platt 03/31/06

(Per a reader's comment (below), the longevity of this tool is unreliable. There is also a cheaper version from American Science & Surplus; if you own and use that one or know of another model, please let us know. -- SL — editors)


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