
Cool Tools Submissions Contest #2

The winner of the Cool Tools Enthusiast Sources Contest is David Zicarelli who submitted a well-written review of a cool, ...

The winner of the Cool Tools Enthusiast Sources Contest is David Zicarelli who submitted a well-written review of a cool, but little-known (to us) source for DIY hobbyists. His review will run shortly. Many other solid reviews of cool tools were also submitted and some of them will be posted in future days.

Indeed, we are so encouraged by the quality of the recommendations that we are running another contest this week. We seek suggestions for:

Little Known Rental Tools

One of the best kept secrets about tools is that you can easily rent a fantastic variety of them. There are a number of reasons to rent, rather than buy, a tool: to complete a one-time job, to try out a new kind of tool, to use a big tool you don’t have space to store, or to avoid having to maintain it.

But folks don’t take advantage of rentals as much as they should because they are often unaware of what can be rented.

Send us a recommendation of a cool tool you have rented, with a bit about your experience in using it, and why others might want to know about it. Rental tools are one case where esoteric matters. These are tools you don’t need to buy, but do need to know exist and are rentable.

The author of the most publishable review (if any) gets to select one prize from the Prize Pool.

[Photo by pixeljones]

— KK


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