

Quick coconut penetration

Considering the implications of carrying around a machete and the likelihood of hacking off a finger, a CocoTap is an invaluable tool for accessing a coconut. A solid 316 stainless tube crafted with a pointed end and a fold-out T-style handle, the device will easily pierce everything from a green coconut and jelly nut to a mature drinking coconut.

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I picked up my “Barman” model at a market in Cairns, Australia. At the time, I was actually after a machete, which I’d used while living in Ecuador for many years. When the guy at the market showed me the CocoTap, I was skeptical. But after more than a year of use, I’m now on my second trip to the tropics with it. It folds up conveniently and is a hell of a lot easier to pack than a machete. I also use it for all kinds of small jobs requiring something strong, sharp, and pointy. As the website says, it’s like an extra finger.

-- Patrick Handley 02/14/07

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