Collapsible hand truck

We use our hand truck all the time. For unloading stuff from warehouse stores, or moving boxes of paper, or transporting sacks of fertilizer or large plants in heavy pots, or moving books, furniture, etc. An inexpensive hard plastic dolly works great (like the one previously reviewed in Cool Tools), but one problem with a standard dolly is storing it within easy reach. It kind of hogs a closet. The Magna Cart is an ingenious solution to this storage challenge. It folds up flat and small enough to slip behind a desk, or under a desk, or in a car trunk, or even on the top shelf of a closet. Weighs only 7 pounds. Yet it is also rugged enough to haul 150 pounds, and unfolds in a second. And collapses again just as fast. Its wheels are large enough for paved surfaces. Reasonably priced. Very nifty, and very handy. (Magna makes a slightly larger wheeled version that carries 200 pounds which I have not used.)


-- KK 04/16/10

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