
Introducing the Newest Editor

For the past year Elon Schoenholz has expertly managed the flow of reviews on Cool Tools while he worked as ...

For the past year Elon Schoenholz has expertly managed the flow of reviews on Cool Tools while he worked as a professional photographer. Recently Elon took on a full-time editorial position at a museum which precludes his ability to moonlight any longer at Cool Tools. Today will be Elon’s last posting. Under Elon’s editorship Cool Tools found and evaluated high quality but little known items, as it has done for seven years now. Finding the right combination of useful and appropriate is a tricky feat, but Elon fully “got” what Cool Tools is about. It was always a joy to see what he would turn up each week from the reader submissions and his own network of makers and doers. Thanks, Elon.

oliheadshot.sm3.jpgThe stream must go on, so I would like to introduce the next editor of Cool Tools, Oliver Hulland. Oliver is a well-rounded enthusiast who has worked as a glassblowing instructor, an environmental educator, a commercial photo assistant, and a stern-man on a lobster boat off the coast of Maine. And he has contributed to Cool Tools. Beginning next week Oliver will curate, edit, vet, and select your cool tool reviews. If you have been using something you find yourself raving to friends about, send that rave to Oliver. He can be reached at As always, tell us what you love.


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