
Everyday Carry Contest

The tools you have with you are the ones that are going to get used, and so it is with ...

The tools you have with you are the ones that are going to get used, and so it is with great pleasure that we are announcing our newest contest seeking the best everyday carry (EDC) tools.

The diversity of tools that people carry with them whether on keychains, in pockets and/or bags never ceases to astonish. From Moleskines to Leathermen, and flashlights to Buffs, the shear number of tools we have to choose from is overwhelming. That’s where you come in.

Send us reviews of your everyday carry tools, and explain why they have made the cut. There is no limit to how many you can include, and feel free to submit EDC tools from specific situations like camping or biking. Just remember every tool should be reviewed with the following five parts in mind:

1) a succinct description of what the tool is,
2) how it changed your behavior,
3) why Cool Tools should run the item,
4) why it is superior to other things, and
5) why we should believe you.

Submissions will be accepted until Tuesday, April 19th. As usual, the author of the most publishable review gets to select a prize from the Prize Pool and will be published the following week. So tell us all about the tools you have with you when it counts!

For inspiration, here are some previously reviewed EDC Cool Tools:
Split-Pea Lighter
Credit Card Survival Tool
Fisher Bullet Space Pen
Nite Ize S-Biner

Good Luck!

— Oliver Hulland, Editor, Cool Tools


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