

Perfect your drive

The Medicus is a driver with a hinge in it, so that if you swing it in the wrong direction at the wrong time, the hinge breaks and you have a useless broken club in your hands. But swing it the right way and you can actually hit balls with it.

What does it do? Well, at first it made me feel like a goof, because it kept breaking. But I got the hang of it pretty quickly. Basically, it made me turn rather than take the club back with my hands. Most importantly, it gives me the feel (yes, the feel!) of the right move from the top. That’s where most golfers get off track.

Buy the driver and swing it every day. When you get off track on the course, think back to the feel of the Medicus and it will get your in the groove again. It’s helped my swing tremendously. I found the included DVD tutorial worthwhile, too.

-- Phil Reed 02/17/10

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