

Totally inspiring street fashion

Anti-fashion snatched off Tokyo’s streets. Pages and pages of exuberant color and wild forehead slapping design. Clothes made at home, altered from the store (called “kustom”) or piled on without regard to previous styles. You get the ugly and the brilliant. There’s little text, just full-page snapshots of real kids with other-wordly outfits unfettered by normalcy. This is one of our favorite books at my house. We open it up every month or so, giggle, and feel inspired to loosen up a bit. Blue, yellow, and pink? Why not, color is free. This is what clothes could be, or ought to be.imagechee.web.jpg
Chee age 23
Shirt — second-hand
Skirt — second-hand
Trousers — handmade
Shoes — Buffalo
Point of fashion — a free lunch
Current obsession — Lamb Chop

Atan age 17
Jumper — second-hand
Blouse — at Half Fish
Shirt — handmade
Point of fashion — cheap
Current obsession — meditation

-- KK 07/30/03

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