
DIY Cool Tools Submission Contest

We love tools that work. Unfortunately, there are times when a tool simply doesn’t exist. Or there are times when ...

We love tools that work. Unfortunately, there are times when a tool simply doesn’t exist. Or there are times when the tool you need isn’t on hand, so you have to improvise.

Our newest contest is a search for the best home-brewed tools out there. We want to discover the many creative ways our readers have responded to problems by creating their own tools and hacks. You could be using a tool for something other than it’s original purpose. Or, as the name implies, it could be something you have made yourself for a problem only you have ever encountered. We are looking for creative solutions to any and all dilemmas, whether they be everyday or once-in-a-lifetime.

Send us a description of your favorite DIY Cool Tool you have discovered/made and used, and explain why it is so great. Bonus points for reviews that come with a set of instructions so other readers can try it out at home. Include all relevant information including supplies, instructions, prices, pictures and anything else you feel might be useful for others to know about.

Remember, A great Cool Tool review consists of the following five parts:
1) a succinct description of what the tool is,
2) how it changed your behavior,
3) why Cool Tools should run the item,
4) why it is superior to other things, and
5) why we should believe you.
and a special DIY-themed
6) how do you make it

Here are some previously reviewed DIY- Cool Tools:
Hands-Free Phone-Interview Setup
Pepsi Can Stove
Oven Stick

You don’t have to be the original inventor of the DIY-tool to submit the idea, but please give credit where credit is due. Finally, don’t limit yourself. Feel free to be creative with your interpretation of what qualifies.

Submissions will be accepted until Monday, September 6th. As usual, the author of the most publishable review gets to select a prize from the Prize Pool and will be published the following week. Get your DIY thinking caps on and tell us what you love!

Good Luck!


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