
Toro Cordless 24-Inch Hedge Trimmer


Battery-powered trimmer cuts through branches up to 5/8-inch thick

I just spent a glorious morn with this very cool tool. The past decade has been spent tackling Leylandii hedges and other native barrier hedging with a hand-powered trimmer. While good exercise, this 68-year-old body can find more pleasant ways toward fitness.

Gas-powered trimmers were out because the noise and fumes drive me more than slightly batty. Plus I hadn’t owned a gas car or all the other paraphernalia needed for years.

So, after a bit of reading reviews, I ordered the Toro cordless from Home Depot. I didn’t shop around, just bought it for about $200 including hefty taxes. There are cheaper cordless trimmers from 12-18V, but the bar length and good reports of battery life convinced me.

I did two long sessions with the Toro this morning. I wore out before the battery did. One-handed operation is fairly easy with the 6.8 lb tool and it easily cuts up to 3/4″ which is bigger than most new growth.

And another big plus was the first battery re-charge was just over 1 hour… far faster than me.

-- SalishSeaSam 10/5/15

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