
ProMist Microfiber Spray Mop


Refillable bottle allows you to choose your own cleaning solution

I have to confess, I really liked the Swiffer Wetjet when we tried it after using a traditional mop and bucket. It was far more convenient and efficient than a mop and bucket and did a great job cleaning the floors by just spraying some cleaning fluid on the floor and wiping it with a disposable pad. The only thing that got to me after a while was the cost and waste associated with using it. Not only were the pads disposable (and costly) but the sprayer relied on six “AA” batteries. And it only accepted specialized “Swiffer” fluid which came in a disposable container. (All of these things are, conveniently, also sold by P&G, the company that makes it.) Plus, we ended up going through two of them because they kept breaking. Yuck!

So it was a real revelation when my wife brought home the ProMist Microfiber Spray Mop a couple of years ago. Instead of a disposable pad, it comes with a pad you can toss in the washing machine when it’s dirty. Instead of a battery powered spray, it uses a basic hand pump to dispense the fluid. And it has a canister that you can fill up with any fluid you want. It does just as good a job as the Swiffer and it’s built much sturdier. We’ve had it for about two years now without any issue, and have saved lots of money and avoided a lot of waste vs the Swiffer.

-- Tom Robertson 10/3/17

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