50 life-changing ideas/Photo stamps/Exploratory music stream

Recomendo: issue no. 204
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50 life-changing ideas
Writing instructor David Perell wrote about the 50 ideas that changed his life. Here’s one: “Competition is for Losers: Avoid competition. Stop copying what everybody else is doing. If you work at a for-profit company, work on problems that would not otherwise be solved. If you’re at a non-profit, fix unpopular problems. Life is easier when you don’t compete. (Hint: don’t start another bottled water company).” — MF
Get custom photo stamps while you can
I bought some Last Week Tonight “inside joke” stamps to help support the USPS — and because I am a fan of the show — and while I was on PhotoStamps.com I couldn’t help myself and ordered some custom photo stamps of my dog and cat. I was so happy when I got them, you can check them out here. Unfortunately, USPS is ending the customized postage program and the last chance you’ll have to purchase PhotoStamps is Wednesday, June 10. — CD
Exploratory music stream
For the past decade David Byrne, the legendary rock musician, has operated his own “radio station,” which is really the curated playlist of his own musical explorations. Every month on his website David Byrne Radio, Byrne streams another 100-minute loop of new, old, classic, weird, wonderful, surprising, themed music he’s discovered and loves. He writes a short introduction, and supplies the full playlist. I’ve discovered (and bought) a lot of great music I first heard here. (In Nov 2018 he streamed a notable playlist of eternal protest songs.) — KK
Affordable electric bikes
Electric bikes are improving so fast that they are becoming an option for most people. But the field is young, flooded with startups, and gear changes so fast, keeping up with the best one is hard work. I recommend newbies go to the “Affordable ebike” playlist of the YouTube channel of EBR (Electric Bike Review), and start at the top (most recent) for in-depth, impartial, video reviews of ebikes that cost between $1,000 to $1,500. — KK
Gooseneck phone holder
I bought this gooseneck phone holder (Lamicall, $27) on Amazon not knowing what I would use it for exactly, but in what I can only call a “spark of genius,” I attached it to my stationary rower so I can watch streamable TV while I row. It has a rubber clamp stand that opens up 2.75 inches, so I can secure it to most furniture in my house. I am working out more and craning my neck less. — CD
Moldable Glue
Sugru is a moldable rubber material you can use to repair things. When you open a pouch, it has the consistency of Silly Putty. You have about 5-10 minutes to work with it, then it begins to cure. After 24 hours it’s like hard rubber. It sticks to almost anything, including plastic and glass. I’ve used Sugru over the years to fix and modify dozens of things, from worn cables to a broken icemaker. An 8-pack is currently on sale for $12. — MF