
Amazon Subscribe & Save


Scheduled, discounted delivery on consumable products

I started using Amazon Subscribe & Save for ECGc (Green Tea) supplements initially out of frustration with my local health food store. They’d be out, only have small quantity options, pricing was all over the place.

Now a couple bottles ship to me every couple months at a good price, with free shipping even without Prime. I get an email in advance so I can skip a shipment, and I can also do an emergency “ship now” if I run out unexpectedly.

I’ve since gradually started putting other regular consumables into the Subscribe & Save queue to save money, time and effort.

-- Richard Viets 03/18/13

(When you buy things using Subscribe and Save, Amazon gives you a 15% discount. I have been using Subscribe and Save for years. I'm surprised so many of my Amazon-using friends have never heard about it. I use it to buy vitamins and supplements, trash bags, cat food, toilet paper, batteries, paper towels, ziploc sandwich bags, Magic Erasers, and dishwasher detergent. - Mark Frauenfelder — editors)


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