Swivel Straight Christmas Tree Stand

Christmas trees stand straight
One Christmas tradition I was happy to discard what was the annual fight with the tree stand. My brother and I would wrestle the tree into the kind of old stand that uses bolts to screw into the trunk to ostensibly stabilize it. Being the younger of the two, I had the task of holding the tree while lying on the floor after it had been impaled on the stand’s spike and then turning the three bolts into the soft pine in rotation, all in an effort to try to have the tree stand straight. Between the griping and groaning and being covered with pitch, this was a major operation that often had temporary results, leading to guy wires from the tree to the wall to keep it upright.
And then my mother bought a Swivel Straight Stand.
20 years later, having inherited the stand, putting the Christmas tree up is a breeze.The mechanism attaches to the tree separately from the stand, so you can do it outdoors before you bring the tree in. You then plop it into the stand and — voila! — the tree is standing solidly. Need to have it tilt to the right? Push the foot-lever in the stand down, move the tree to perpendicular, release the lever. Done. I can think of no gadget in my household of gimcracks that has been as simple and dependable.
08/15/14Swivel Straight Tree Stand $48