True Utility Keyring System

Key-shackle holds up to 5 keys completely flat
I’ve had the True Utility Keyring system for four or five years now. It’s not so much a “system” as a ring, a shackle, and a few clips. The shackle keeps your keys from jangling around too much (especially if you add a few washers) and it makes them smaller and easier to handle, since they don’t splay out perpendicular to their flat axis, like they would on a common split ring. While it’s a huge pain to change out keys the first time, the convenience makes up for it. The clips have allowed me to swap out the items on my keychain like I would in a backpack. Using short lengths of paracord has made the TU Keyring system pretty wonderful, allowing different items to sit at different distances from each other so they fit in my pockets better. The split ring is slightly better than usual, and the clips are wonderful. I’ve also added a tiny bit of 3M grip tape (for stairs) to my house key so I can find it without looking at my keys.
Here’s an image of my keys:
08/14/15True Utility TU245 Key Ring System with 5 Key Shackle $11