
Panasonic Blood Pressure Monitor

Digital, wrist-based vascular gauge

The blood pressure monitor I recommended previously has been discontinued, but no matter: last year I upgraded to Panasonic’s EW3006S, a comparably-priced wrist sphygmomanometer with several advantages. It is MUCH quieter than the EW3002W: perhaps 25 percent; as loud of a buzz as it powers up and inflates the cuff. It takes readings faster: about twice as fast from button push to readout. It’s more comfortable: doesn’t seem to constrict as tightly as the previous iteration. The display is larger and less cluttered, therefore, easier to read. The buttons are also much larger and easier to activate, but without being too easy (i.e. no accidental pushes). Although the EW3006S is slightly larger in size than its predecessor, it’s noticeably lighter, which is important – like my last monitor, I carry it in my fanny pack when I’m in the OR.

-- Joseph Stirt, MD 01/28/08

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