
The Kid Should See This/Travel tip/Quora email digest


Recomendo: issue no. 20

Some of the best music being written these days is for movie soundtracks. Because they usually lack dialog and lyrics, I find movie scores easy to listen to while working. If you want some suggestions to start with, this is a decent list of the best scores since the start of this century. Quite a few of them are available on Spotify. — KK

The website The Kid Should See This gathers the best short videos that explain how the world works. Subjects includes nature, science, technology, art, politics, So far they have collected 2,600 videos that “are not made for kids, but are perfect for them.” The videos are really great for any do-it-yourselfer, for any life-long learner. In fact, the site might be called “The Adults Should See This.” — KK

I drop one Nuun tablet into my glass of water in the morning and another before I go to bed. Nuun tablets contain sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium. It’s very likely a placebo effect, but I feel better and more replenished from drinking water with a Nuun tablet in it. In any case, it’s a fizzy, citrusy treat that I look forward to. — MF

Travel Tip:
Here’s an easy way to approximately convert Centigrade to Fahrenheit: “double the Centigrade temp, subtract the first digit of the result from the result and add 32.” Example: 16 C = (32-3)+32 = 61 F. (This tip appeared on Fodor’s Travel website.) — MF

I’ve been using the Clarisonic Mia2 for a couple of months now and I’ve seen a definite improvement in the appearance of my pores and brightness of my skin. It does a really great job at removing my makeup and exfoliating. I can’t imagine living without it now. — CD

I am signed up for frequent email digests of the top questions in my Quora feed. I get these at least once a day, and often find myself falling down the rabbit hole and discovering new blogs and books and recommendations. One question I am following with really interesting perspectives and answers is: How do I become strong mentally? — CD

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-- Kevin Kelly, Mark Frauenfelder and Claudia Dawson 12/11/16

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