
Durable thin comb with polished brass mirror
It’s hard to find a wallet-sized comb that’s sturdy, handsome, does the job and isn’t too bulky. This one fits the bill: barely the size of a credit card, it slips easily into wallet or purse; comes in wide-toothed (better for detangling) or narrow-toothed versions; some models come with a “mirror” (the flat back side of the comb is mirror-polished) or a bottle-opener. They come in an array of colors and patterns, and they’re made from stainless steel or brass, so they’re plenty durable.
Unlike most metal combs, which tend to tear the hair, these combs are dipped in resin so they’re smooth on the hair and scalp. The wide-toothed version works quite well detangling my long, fine hair, and according to other reviews, they also work well on beards. Go-Combs come in a variety of designs and colors (suitable for any gender), and some may be engraved if you wish. A useful, durable, compact item to add to your Every-Day-Carry list.
12/29/16Go-Comb - Wallet Comb + Mirror ($16)