
Remember the Milk


Powerful task manager

I have been using the task manager, Remember the Milk, since 2009 — the somewhat early days of web 2.0 “free” to-do apps. The free version sufficed for a few years, but when I started using a smartphone, it wasn’t long before I decided to upgrade to enable continuous syncing between the browser and iPhone apps.

I’ve tested Todoist, Do, Wunderlist, and probably others, but have always come back to Remember the Milk (RTM) for a number of reasons:

  1. I don’t have to use the mouse; within the app, browsing, searching, and adding complex tasks can be accomplished using the built-in key commands and smart-add language.
  2. It integrates with Quicksilver for Mac, allowing me to quickly add tasks without leaving whatever app I’m in, and if I’m not at my laptop I can email new tasks to the app (I set up an IFTT button on my phone which accomplishes this even faster than opening the RTM mobile app).
  3. I can subscribe to my task feed in Google Calendar — anything dated now appears in my calendar.
  4. Any search, from simple to advanced, can be saved as a smart list. My own “Today” smart list functions as I want it to, which is slightly different than the app’s built-in Today list: it shows tasks that might be overdue by only a day, tasks due tomorrow, and un-dated tasks marked with high priority.

Now the app does much more than keep my tasks organized; I file everything that isn’t an actual file here: links to articles to read, gift ideas, birthdays, web bookmarks, line items to add to my cv, project ideas, packing lists (which can be archived when not in use), etc. The one piece of missing functionality now feels entirely intentional: you can’t save attachments. For some this would be a deal-breaker, but I appreciate the separation of thoughts and digital clutter. This is task-making and note-taking (in plain text!) only, and it does both of these jobs exceedingly well. Now I don’t have to remember where I saved anything — anything worth recalling later I add here.

-- Claire Iltis 05/25/17

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