Mighty Wallet

Paperthin, tear-resistant, water-resistant wallet
I’ve always hated that huge square bulge in my pants pocket, caused by a wallet, keys and lately by an ever-larger cellphone. A partial solution is to switch from a wallet made of leather to one made of a durable thinner material. Mighty Wallets are made of Tyvek, a fibrous paper-like material that is highly resistant to tear (but easy to cut with a knife). Available in a variety of designs, it is, literally, as thin as a half-dozen sheets of paper. The other dimensions (when the wallet is unfolded) are 8 inches x 3.25 inches — the perfect size for dollar bills.
There are two pockets for your credit cards and ID. The wallet weighs just over half an ounce. The wallets are durable, but not immortal. My first wallet lasted me three years; the present one is about two years old and is starting to show its age. The wallet I currently use is designed to look like an old-fashioned airmail envelope; as it gets older and more worn, many cashiers assume that it actually is an airmail envelope. But if you wish, you can buy a blank white wallet to decorate yourself with a Sharpie, or you can even submit your own snapshots to the manufacturer’s website, to be printed on the outside of the envelope. Having your family photos on the outside of your wallet lets you leave the prints at home, reducing the thickness still more.
09/27/17Mighty Wallets ($15)