Quotes/Halt and Catch Fire/To-do notebook

Recomendo: issue no. 80
Quotes I’m pondering
You aren’t wealthy until you have something that money can’t buy. — Garth Brooks
A good book is more intelligent than its author. — Umberto Eco
I think I speak for everyone when I say no one can speak for all of us. —Glenn Fleishman
The question isn’t who is going to let me: it’s who is going to stop me. — Ayn Rand
No limit for better. — Harrison Ford
Each of the above makes me pause, and that pause compels me to return to it. — KK
Relive the 1980s personal computer revolution
I’ve been watching Halt and Catch Fire on Netflix, a TV series that ran for four seasons, from 2014 to 2017. It’s like a non-comedic Silicon Valley and is about a team of misfits (led by a guy who looks and acts like a psychotic Don Draper) who are trying to build a 15-pound portable computer during the PC computer revolution of the 1980s. Each season is better than the previous one. — MF
To-do notebook
I picked up this surprisingly inexpensive ($5.50) to-do list notebook last month, and I love it. The Maruman Mnemosyne 197 has ruled, perforated pages with two columns of checkboxes. The 80 sheets are ring bound and the cover is stiff, textured black plastic. The paper holds ink very well. — MF
I noticed I was compulsively reaching for my phone, so I decided I needed a detox. I was considering buying a flip phone and came across this article on the distraction-free iPhone. I couldn’t go as far as disabling email (in case of an emergency), but I hid it and disabled Safari and all notifications except for phone calls. It’s very freeing. Here are more tips. — CD
Cheap packing cubes
On our last trip my husband and I shared one large suitcase for a week. This 4-piece set of packing cubes by Amazon Basics (I bought two sets) kept it from getting out of hand. Everything stayed organized and folded. I like that they’re soft and not rigid, because they expand as you fill them up and saves space when you don’t. The long, slim cube was perfect for my hair styling tools. — CD
Damage-free hanging
I use these neat hooks from 3M when I want to hang something on a surface I don’t want to damage, either a stucco wall, or a hotel room, or for a temporary hanging on a wood surface. Command Hangers employ an innovative glue strip to hold and release. The strip will securely hold the hanger for as long as you like (difficult to pull off), but will remove itself entirely, and easily, without marks or damage to paint at the end using an ingenious particular physical pull. Hard to explain but it really works. I find they hold more than they specify. Command hooks come in all kinds of sizes, many styles. Reusable, too. — KK
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