
Swan songs/Ugly Delicious/Quickly share screenshots


Recomendo: issue no. 92

What’s Your Swan Song?
NPR’s All Things Considered compiled a list of songs people want played at their funeral and it’s fascinating. My emotions were all over the place. I wanted to cry, I laughed, and at times I was confused and disapproving. I was kind of disappointed my pick wasn’t included. Since jr. high my swan song has always been Angel of the Morning (The Pretender’s cover). It wasn’t until I was older that I realized it was actually about a one-night stand. Still kind of fitting.— CD

Low brow foods
I wasn’t sure I wanted to watch another series of cooking shows on Netflix, but I wound up devouring the entire 8 episodes of Ugly Delicious. Featuring chef David Chang, it’s a personal and idiosyncratic investigation into the kinds of foods that are taken for granted, from home cooking, to low-brow favorites like pizza, to foods that don’t get much respect, like fried rice. There’s a lot of Chang in it as he bounces around ideas (and locations around the globe), but he is honest, questioning, searching, and always interesting. — KK

Screenshot tip
This tip comes from Andy Baio (@waxpancake). He tweeted: “Did you know that you can paste screenshots straight from your clipboard into Twitter or Slack? On macOS, capture any part of your screen to the clipboard with Shift-Ctrl-Cmd-4, then Cmd-V to paste it into your tweet or Slack message. I use this constantly.” — MF

Most comfortable robe
My husband bought me this robe for Christmas and it is so soft and comfortable that I actually sleep in it from time to time. It’s lined with lightweight fleece, so it’s very warming but not bulky. — CD

Visit culturally significant sites
My first choice when seeking exotic destinations is to check this list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. These are 1000 culturally significant places worth preserving, which means they are usually the best places to visit. While many sites are well known, many more are little known gems. Most counties have at least a couple. I’ve never been disappointed traveling to a World heritage site. — KK

Sandpaper assortment
I needed to get sheets of sandpaper in various grits to polish some 3D prints I made, and this $8 assortment fit the bill. They range from 80 to 3000 grit. Here’s a website that shows you how to polish PLA plastic. — MF


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