
Raymay Pencut Scissors

Pen style portable scissors

These are scissors, if you can believe it. These are Raymay Pencut scissors from Japan. I got them for around $6 on Amazon. And if you want some for yourself, using the Amazon link in the description helps support my videos and the Cool Tools blog.

It can be handy to have a pair of scissors in your kit, either for travel, or in your car. The problem is that they’re stabby and the handle can be a little bulky.

The Pencut solves both problems by including a cap that snaps in place, and flexible handles that collapse down. The result is a super compact pair of scissors that are safe enough to keep in your pocket.

One other cool feature is that these can be easily adapted for left hand use. These little plugs here on the handle can pop out and be placed on the opposite side, which forces the flexible bit out the other side, reversing the grip.

Now, there are plenty of compromises here. The blade is only 2 inches long. The short handle doesn’t offer much leverage and isn’t exactly comfortable. But if space is a premium I can’t imagine a more compact pair of scissors that are still reasonably useful.

-- Donald Bell 07/14/18

(Cool Tools has a YouTube channel with many more tool reviews — editors)


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