Recomendo, Expanded

Improved book of 1,000 recommendations
We’ve gathered 1,000 of our best recommendations featured from our free newsletter, Recomendo and arranged them into a 217-page book. Each recomendo is a brief rave about a cool tool, great thing to watch or listen to, place to visit, person to follow, or a fantastic tip. The range is even broader than the broad range of Cool Tools. We’ve organized the thousand of suggestions by subject and illustrated most of them. This book, Recomendo: The Expanded Edition, is a better way to search for past recommendations, browse for cool stuff you missed, or catch up if you are a new subscriber. It is twice the size of our first Recomendo book. This hefty paperback is available in two flavors: an inexpensive B&W version, and a pricier color version.
Recomendo is available now from Amazon, for $12.99, with Prime shipping. (The color version is $29.99.) We will have a PDF version later for international fans. It has something for almost everyone, and is a delightful inexpensive gift: brief, uncommon, and useful. It’s the gift I’m giving to friends this year.