
What’s That Charge/Namelix/Hacker Stations

Recomendo: issue no. 330

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Mysterious credit card charges
There was a charge on my credit card that I didn’t recall making. The statement said, “EB 801-413-7200.” I looked up the number on a website called What’s That Charge and discovered it was for Eventbrite. Then I remembered that I had bought tickets for a play using Eventbrite. Next time you see an unfamiliar charge on your statement, try it. — MF

Instant business names
You can enter a few keywords into Namelix and get dozens of business name ideas and logo ideas. It’s fun to see what it comes up with, even if you don’t plan on starting a business. — MF

Workspace setups from all over the world
If you’re in need of inspiration for how to set up your desk check out It’s a collection of workspace setups by tech professionals. Each image links to an interview detailing the hardware and software used. I discovered a desk chair I’m putting on my Xmas list in Holly Cummins setup. The website was recently launched, but will be posting new setups every Friday. — CD

Free translator
The free Google Translate app for phones is still the best bargain in the world. It keeps getting better and better. It will translate between 60 languages, in either text, voice, or most importantly, from images from your camera, so it can translate menus, signs, and instructions just by pointing your phone at them. Really good for foreign scripts. — KK

Visualize location of emotions in the body
This visual on “Where Emotions Are Felt in the Body” reminds me to tune in to my own physicality. I recently did a guided meditation on “grief” for the purpose of inducing tears and was surprised to find that I had a painful pressure in my head more-so than my heart that needed to be unblocked. The visual is part of a longer article on ways to release “trapped” emotions, which is worth the read. — CD

Ultra lightweight backpack
The goal of ultralight backpacking is to reduce the weight of your basic persistent stuff to under 10 pounds (4.5 kg). For hiking, the lighter your load, the more enjoyment. A key component to bringing the weight down is a super lightweight backpack. One of the lightest functional packs is the Zpack Nero 38 Liter, the one I use, which weighs 10.5 ounces (under 300 g). It’s a dry bag so no rain shell is needed. Empty, it will fold into a gallon Ziplock bag. — KK

— Kevin KellyMark FrauenfelderClaudia Dawson


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