
Priciest Car Rentals/Travel for Health/Stockholm Archipelago Trail

Nomadico issue #124

A weekly newsletter with four quick bites, edited by Tim Leffel, author of A Better Life for Half the Price and The World’s Cheapest Destinations. See past editions here, where your like-minded friends can subscribe and join you.

The Most Expensive U.S. Car Rental Location

Do you think you could guess the most expensive airport car rental locations in the USA for this fall travel season? I would have been 0 for 3 because the worst, according to a study from, are Little Rock, Charleston, and Madison. Others averaging more than $80 per day are all over the map, mostly small airports but also Los Angeles and San Francisco. Rates are only up 0.5% over last year overall though, so you’ll have an easier time in the cheapest markets of Bozeman ($42) and Raleigh ($41).

Travelers May Age More Slowly

A study produced by researchers at an Australian university argues that travel can slow down the aging process and may lead to extra time on this planet. “Tourism typically exposes people to new surroundings and relaxing activities, and novel settings can stimulate stress responses and elevate metabolic rates, positively influencing metabolic activities and the body’s self-organising capabilities. These contexts may also trigger an adaptive immune system response.” See the details here then hit the road grandma!

Some Iconic International Dishes Are Not Very Old

The histories of tiramisu, chicken tikka masala, and General Tso’s chicken must go back a long way, right? Turns out no, they’re from the 1970s in the first two cases, 1955 in the third. Other famous food items not even a century old include chocolate chip cookies, nachos, and pasta carbonara. See the full story here.

A New Swedish Hiking Trail

Opening up next month will be the 270-kilometer Stockholm Archipelago Trail, a new hiking route across multiple islands near the capital city. Linked by ferry boats between them and back to the mainland, this route takes hikers into areas that few others see since most visitors to the islands only spend time in the ports. The link above goes to the official site, but you can see more news about it in this BBC article.


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