What's in My Bag

What’s in my NOW? — Jonathan FitzGordon

issue #194

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I am a walking, posture, and yoga teacher helping people overcome complex pain issues when traditional healing modalities fail to help. I am the creator of The CoreWalking Program & Psoas Release Party! — Jonathan FitzGordon


  • Inner thigh pillow – I have been sleeping with a pillow between my legs for more than ten years and it has been life changing. You can find an inner thigh pillow on line but I think it is too thick and separates the legs too much. I use a very thin pillow and it goes with me everywhere as hotel and Airbnb pillows also tend to be too thick.
  • Bike – Even though I don’t think cycling is the best form of exercise (it isn’t weight bearing and the body doesn’t twist) it is one of the best things for my mental health. I bike either 10 or 20 miles daily while listening to podcasts and it keeps me on an even keel.
  • Plants – I have a lot of plants. So many that I can always see at least one wherever I am in my house. Plants are good for so many reasons beyond simply looking good.


  • Spittin Chicklets Podcast – I listen to podcasts when I bike and I could have chosen any number of them for this but I am a big hockey fan and the hosts of this podcast never fail to make me laugh while also educating me about hockey.
  • Google sheets – I work online teaching yoga, anatomy, and pain relief solutions. I use google sheets every day to teach and I don’t know what I would do without it.


  • Invisible Microdosing – When I was 45, I sank into a mid-life sadness/ depression that lasted for almost 10 years. My wife described it as “losing my joy”. When I was 55 I microdosed psilocybin for 3 months and the sadness passed and has not returned.


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