Just 1 Question

When did you teach someone something that made a difference?

Just One Question #10

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Morning Choices

My young son, just learning to talk, would cry every morning to have us come in to get him out of his crib. I suggested that he didn’t need to cry or get upset to have us do that. The next morning we were greeted with a cheerful “time for upeee!” We burst into laughter and hopped out of bed to do just that.

Mom of Daniel

A quiet lesson in safe driving.

When my son had been driving for about a year, he confided in me that he and a friend had been racing on a highway on their respective ways home from a party. “Don’t tell mom,” he said, smiling mischievously, “but at one point I was going 100 miles an hour.” I calmly said, “I’m glad both of you got home safe; imagine how you’d feel if you saw her crashing against the wall at that speed.” His smile vanished, he went pale and quietly said, “Oh.” I could tell that he wouldn’t be doing that again.


Normal Families

I am a clinical social worker who spent many years training individuals who were entering the field. I always told them “If anyone thinks there is such a thing as a normal family, they haven’t taken the opportunity to sit down and talk to them.” I was told that that advice helped guide many to take the time to truly get to know the families they were working with and to be more open to the definition of family itself.

Kevin P

A pleasant surprise

I got a message from a former coworker a few months ago. She said “Hey just wanted to let you know I think about you often at work. 1) How boring it is without you to laugh about stuff 2) I’ll never forget you helping me with stuff like learning Excel basics when I started, how you helped me in so many ways. Your calm, level headed perspective is what I strive for. Trying to pay some of those things forward at work. Thank you. 🥰” We haven’t worked together for more than a decade, we first started working together about 20 years ago, and we aren’t in regular contact so it was a surprise to hear from her. I had no idea that I’d had such an impact on her, but I’m sure glad I did.

TING, Seattle WA

Answer our open questions

When did you see the sun rise? Why were you there?


What is the easiest way to make you laugh?



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