ScienceDaily/Minimalist lamp/Avocado tip
Recomendo - issue #442
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Latest research news
To stay informed on the latest research news, I subscribe to ScienceDaily, which is a comprehensive digest of research news across various fields. I follow ScienceDaily through Feedly, but I recently noticed that they now offer a Substack newsletter. Subscribing through Substack allows you to choose a once-a-week digest tailored to your topic interests, such as Health, Technology, Society, or Environment. Alternatively, you can opt to receive only the top featured research news in a daily email. — CD
Small touch-controlled bedside lamp with charging ports
This minimalist bedside lamp has a touch-sensitive top that cycles through three brightness levels with a tap — perfect for fumble-free nighttime control. It has built-in USB ports for charging devices. It’s small so it doesn’t take up much bedside table space and has a stable base that prevents tipping. — MF
Avocado tip
For a steady stream of perfectly ripe avocados, let a bag of avocados come to near ripeness, and put them into a ziplock bag and place them in a refrigerator. They’ll remain in near-ripeness until you take them out one by one, a day before you want to eat them. — KK
Bargain mattresses
Auto tires are such a bargain at Costco that many folks get a Costco membership just for the tires. Mattresses are a similar bargain. You can get high quality branded mattresses – including classic bedspring models – for a lower price from Costco than from almost anywhere else. And Costco will deliver to the room, set up, and haul away your old mattress at no extra cost. And you can order them online. — KK
Free maze generator
This website allows you to customize and create mazes in various shapes and sizes. I find maze puzzles to be a mindfulness practice and very soothing to get lost in. You can export the generated mazes as PNG, SVG, or PDF files, and they are free to use in any non-commercial way you want. — CD
World treasury of folk wisdom
A fascinating collection of proverbs from cultures worldwide, organized into 100 categories. It makes centuries of human insight accessible for modern readers.
- “People seek out big-shots as flies seek out the elephant’s tail.” (Indonesian)
- “The full person does not understand the needs of the hungry.” (Irish)
- “Worry often gives a small thing a big shadow.” (Swedish)
- “A greedy person and a pauper are practically one and the same.” (Swiss)
- “When money speaks, truth keeps silent.” (Russian)
— MF