
Onion Bag Scrubbing Hack

Flour and cheese scrubber

Everyone knows the worst part about baking bread: Having to clean up the sticky, floury mess from counter tops, bowls, and utensils. The gluey mass refuses to come out of sponges, and gums up anything it touches.

I recently discovered a solution: The netting that onions and other vegetables come packaged in. By cutting up the stiff netting into about 6-inch squares you can make reusable super scrubbing tools. A few bags will produce more than you’ll need. When you’re finished scrubbing, just rinse off the gunk, recycle the netting, and marvel at your flour- and cheese-free sponges.

-- Pen Duby 10/15/10

(As an avid fan of the previously reviewed No Knead Bread I can attest to the simple brilliance of this cleaning hack. No more ruined sponges! --OH — editors)


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