
Dewalt Multi-Cutter Saw

Precise metal saw

It is difficult to saw stainless steel very precisely without discoloring it as a result of heat. A chop saw using an abrasive blade is not suitable. A band saw using a metal cutting blade (like a hacksaw) is insufficiently precise. What you need is the (relatively) new class of saws which run relatively slowly and use specially designed circular toothed blades. I opted for the DeWalt DW872 after watching the very nice QuickTime video on their web site.

This saw, with a default general-purpose metal cutting blade, costs about $420. I also bought an accessory blade specifically for stainless steel. This set me back an additional $200.

It is, without doubt, the best way to make clean, precise cuts in metal.

One word of warning: Don’t try to economize by using the special-purpose toothed metal-cutting blade in a regular chop saw, which runs significantly faster. This generates safety issues.

-- Charles Platt 03/23/05

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