Electro-Samson Hanging Scale

Quick weighing
This hanging digital scale is great for weighing odd shaped things quickly. In our workshop we use it all the time for weighing bicycles, bags, components, things we invent, things we need to ship. Rather than drag the work to the scale, you bring this light scale to whereever you need it. You can easily grab hold of the scale in one hand. You hang the object from the bottom. For very heavy stuff, hook the scale on something solid. This one is ranges up to about 45 kilogram (99 pounds), detecting a minimum of 50 grams (.1 pound). It’s perfect as an inexpensive general purpose “good enough” scale, especially for things that aren’t compact. Also it’s a fantastic baby scale if you wish to chart growth. Just put baby in a sling then weigh. There are smaller versions, too.
09/24/12Electro-Samson Hanging Scale $75 Available from Quick Supply Manufactured by Brecknell