
Andrew Mayne, Author and Magician

Andrew Mayne – Cool Tools Show #30

Our guest this week is Andrew Mayne. He is a magician, maker, and the author of five bestselling mystery and thriller novels. He’s the star of A&E’s magic reality show Don’t Trust Andrew Mayne, and he’s worked for David Copperfield, Penn & Teller, and David Blaine. His latest book is a thriller titled Name of the Devil

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Show Notes:

 Google Forms Free

“If I’m anywhere and I have an idea, I just press the button… It pops open the form that’s fitted for mobile and I can either type or say whatever I need and click “send.” It’s saved to a database that later on I can go back to and go look through.”

Daedelus Touch $1

“They actually have another app called Ulysses, but Daedalus is a really nice distraction free environment for writing. I’ve written a lot of stuff using that.”

Boogie Board Sync $94

“This electronic note taking device is lightweight. You don’t really worry about it as far as what happens to it. It’s nice because you can erase something but it saves everything you erased to an erase folder. If you hit the button wrong, it’s okay. It’s still there.”


Tinkercad Free

“What I love about Tinkercad 3D modeling software that the model is simpler. You use primitives — circles, squares, triangles and stuff — to build things up…”


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