Ash Bucket

Bucket with shovel and lid keeps your fireplace clear of ashes.
In our area propane is the source of fuel for many homes, as we are in a mountainous region and not all homes receive gas from the grid.
In our home we use propane when it’s convenient and our wood burning stove the rest of the time. This dual approach lets us maximize our strained utility budget since propane is very expensive.
Wood, on the other hand, is free if I put the work into searching for it. Keeping the woodburning stove clean and operational is a year-round, daily chore but worthwhile.
I purchased this ash bucket to complement my fireplace tools and have found it invaluable. Previously I had an old galvanized bucket that got left outside and usually filled up with rain and became a mess to clean. This ash bucket has a raised bottom and thermal insulation to prevent any accidental hot coals in your ash to damage your floor or cause a fire. You can store this can indoors since the lid is nice and tight. Holds a week or more of ashes for me. Hunt around and get it for a good price. This has made my daily stove maintenance much more simplified.
03/3/17Black Ash Bucket with Lid and Shovel For Fireplace ($29)