
At Work at Home: Design Ideas for Your Home Workplace

Tips for creating home workspaces

Not all home-office work is typing at a keyboard. That’s why this home-office design book is heads above the others. Maybe you are a weaver, or a landscape architect, or antique toy restorer. When I had a chance to design my own home office attached to our house I found the clear advice, helpful design ideas and visual inspiration in this portfolio to be the best of the bunch.
Why do some of these spaces work and others fall short? I’ve reviewed hundreds of home workplaces, and I’ve concluded that those that are the most successful have three basic features in common. First, they help their occupants balance the two sides of their lives — work life and home life — in a way that is harmonious not just for them, but also for the people with whom they share their living and working space. Second, the workplace is well planned and well organized; it allows the user to work in a CEO environment — that is with Comfort, Efficiency, and Organization. Third, a successful home workplace has a personal spirit about it, which is a reflection of its occupant. It’s this personal spirit that stimulates home workers to do their best work.

Well-planned drawers, storage cubbies, and bookshelves are synonymous with organization and efficiency, hallmarks of a successful home workplace. In this shared space, the execution of the design is simple and the result elegant.

A niche within a converted attic is stylized to the max. Niches within the niche are used to their fullest extent for the odd-shaped storage items that are stock-in-trade for an interior designer. The window seat provides some relief in the tight space and also incorporates flat drawers for plans and large drawings.

-- KK 09/16/03

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