
Tarred and braided nylon twine

Bank line, aka “tarred twine,” is a black polypropylene cord/twine that is similar to tennis netting. It is exceptionally strong, UV resistant, and inexpensive. The name comes from trotline fishing (from the “bank” of a waterway, hence the name) for catfish or similar critters, where you toss out a strong main line baited with multiple hooks, and return hours later to check your line.

Bank cord comes in a variety of diameters and strengths. It does pretty much everything paracord can do, but in a smaller diameter, so it’s a lot lighter and takes up less room. Paracord is rated to about 550 pounds. #36 bank cord has a reported breaking strength of about 320 pounds. #12 bank cord has a breaking strength of around 100 pounds, and is accordingly thinner and even lighter.

Popular in the survivalist / bushcraft world, bank cord can be immensely handy around the house, garage, shop, or campsite. Think lashing most anything, tarp guy lines, clothesline, hanging a food bag, primitive shelter construction , etc.

The bank cord I got is “tarred”, which is about what it sounds like. The cord has a thin layer of sticky tar-stuff. This helps knots to be more secure. It has a mild petroleum-like smell, which goes away shortly after you open the bag.

-- John Godino 04/5/17

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