General Purpose Tools

Best Comment of the Week


We are awarding a copy of the Cool Tools Catalog to the best comment of the week

Reader comments are useful for us and, we hope, for you. We learn good information from comments – Is there a better tool than the one reviewed? Is there a different use for the tool? Is there a story to tell about the tool? The feedback helps us make Cool Tools better.

As a way to encourage you to write comments and to thank you for writing good comments, we are going to start awarding a copy of Kevin’s book, Cool Tools: A Catalog of Possibilities to the best comment of the week.

To get the ball rolling, we’ll award last week’s winner: LarryA2010. Larry posted his comment in the review for the Victorinox Swiss Army Cadet.

He wrote:

I don’t know if there is much advantage to the aluminum handle scales. They all have the same basic stainless liners. When I lost my small Swiss Army Knife that my father gave me, I looked for an economical model, in case I lost it again. I found that the Victorinox Swiss Army Climber Pocket Knife, $16 at the time, filled the bill. It is small and compact and has 14 tools, including scissors, the tool I use the most. When I was looking for the same model for my wife, I found the Victorinox Swiss Army Knife Climber Silver Tech 59754 – 14 Functions ($20 on eBay), the same model but a special limited edition with clear plastic scales over ornamental metal liners and a metal inlaid cross, which the original edition lacked. This is the coolest looking knife they made. It is a great value at $20. I paid $25 each for 2 of them at the time, and that was the best price I could get, even after bargaining with the seller. I keep my older red handled one as a spare.

-- Mark Frauenfelder 08/16/16

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