Paper World

Bob’s Burgers Burger Book / 100 Views of Tokyo

Issue No. 41

Books That Belong On Paper first appeared on the web as Wink Books and was edited by Carla Sinclair. Sign up here to get the issues a week early in your inbox.


The Bob’s Burgers Burger Book: Real Recipes for Joke Burgers
by Loren Bouchard and the Writers of Bob’s Burgers
2016, 128 pages, 6.6 x 0.6 x 9.1 inches, Hardcover

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I can’t cook.

A few years ago though, I had the semi-crushing revelation that it’s not that I don’t know much about cooking, it’s that I legitimately can’t cook. I’m terrible at it. No piece of chicken would go uncooked to a leathery dryness that couldn’t even be passed as “jerk.” No meat sauce could be made properly spiced, just prepared with the desperate hope that crushed red pepper and more tomato paste could cure anything. It was my wife that graciously brought me the knowledge that I wasn’t just not-so-great at cooking, but I legitimately cannot cook to save my life or the lives of whatever poor group I was cooking for. I thank her for coaxing out this revelation of myself (and for being an amazing cook).

I do, however, like cartoons. And the good news is that Bob’s Burgers isn’t a show about cooking, it’s a show about family and it’s quickly grown into one of the best shows on TV. Bob’s Burgers treads an amazing line between strange and sweet, highlighting the ridiculous exploits of the Belcher clan, a family of oddballs who love each other and are continually misunderstood by the rest of the world while running a small, boardwalk burger shop. Over the past few seasons each character has been fleshed out into people more real than anything you’ll find on your average lawyer or cop show. And it’s a lot funnier than most episodes of NCIS.

The show’s success has prompted a good sized following, and when one member of fandom created a Tumblr dedicated to creating or recreating the fanciful burgers listed in each episode as The Burger of the Day fans were naturally interested. The creators of the show were just as tickled and soon partnered with its creator to create this lovely book that’s perfect for any fans of the show or adventurous burgers in general. You only need to bring an appetite, some buns, and a very healthy love of puns.

The book contains Cole Bowden’s recipes for dozens of burgers, lovingly written up by creator Loren Bouchard and the writers of the show and featuring side dishes of show art and jokey asides that any fan can enjoy. The recipes run the gamut from the more ordinary (like the “Is This Your Chard? Burger” with Swish chard, caramelized onions, and creamy cheese), to the fanciful (such as the “Beets of Burden Burger” which features a dill-seasoned burger topped with a sautéed carrot and beet mix with smooth sour cream).

The recipes are fun to read and fun to make, even if my attempt to recreate the “Baby You Can Chive My Car Burger” looked more like a three car pileup than something anyone would like to eat. But that’s not the book’s fault; like Bob one must be willing to try and try again, no matter how much humiliation the Louises, Genes, Lindas, and Tinas in your life may pile upon you, like so much Sriracha mayonnaise. So next spring I’m prepared to break out the grill and spatula again and give it another go with this delightful cookbook, which I think would make a great addition to any cook’s library. The book is fun enough to read on its own, but it also may help some of us even attain the skills that only the Bob’s in each of our lives have (both on the grill and in the ability to put up with a pretty crazy family and town).

So in conclusion, I’ll leave you with a bit of wisdom from the book itself that may help you along your culinary path: “Don’t have a fishmonger? Get one. Who are you going to trust to mong your fish if not a fishmonger.” Truly words that I and anyone who’s ever dressed up like a burger or written a song about zombie butts can live by.

– Rob Trevino


100 Views of Tokyo
by Shinji Tsuchimochi
Shikaku Publishing Companya
2016, 132 pages, 6.0 x 8.0 inches, Paperback


Tokyo. Just saying the word conjures up images of neon lights, rumbling trains, salarymen in dark uniforms, and young people in garish colors. And even though Tokyo is a modern metropolis it abounds with small, quiet, old and out-of-the-way spaces. This is the Tokyo that artist Shinji Tsuchimochi set out to capture in a series of illustrations called 100 Views of Tokyo.

Taking inspiration from famed Japanese ukiyo-e (woodblock print) artist Hiroshige’s 100 Famous Views of Edo, Tsuchimochi sought a “kind of foundation to stand in my mind.” In other words, he found himself searching for solidity and certainty, in an increasingly chaotic world. Over the course of three years, Tsuchimochi took photos and made drawings of Tokyo’s shitamachi, Tokyo’s downtown.

These photos and drawings formed the foundation for Tsuchimochi to create scenes of life in the in-between spaces of Tokyo. Here is an illustration of Manseibashi Bridge in Kanda. Here is another of Ichimura Store in Setagaya. But, unlike Hiroshige, Tsuchimochi is not content to capture only what can be seen, but what might lurk in the imaginations of those who inhabit these spaces. Thus, a giant, toy robot lurks behind the buildings fronting the bridge and baby chickens cluster around a young woman shopping at the store.

Tsuchimochi uses a light touch in creating these blends of real spaces and fantastic inhabitants. He composes in clean lines and bold hues, making each illustration pop with vibrant life. Indeed, the artist has already moved on to composing 100 Views of Osaka in the same clean, bright style.

If there is one criticism it lies in with the publisher rather than the artist — the book itself is far too small. At a mere A5 (6 inches by 8 inches) the quality and detail of the illustrations can be very hard to see. But that is a minor quibble. This book is perfect as a gift for the Japanophile in your life or as inspiration for your own trip to Tokyo.

– Joel Neff


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